Weather App Using Python Tkinter #pythoncode10
Weather App Using Python Tkinter
This app uses the Open weather Api to get the data of the weather.It generates the data in the form of json.Technologies Used:
- OpenWeather Api
- Pytz python Module
- Timezonefinder Python Module
- Tkinter
- Python 3.9.1
- Requests Python Module
Pytz Module - This Module is all about the timezone so using this module we extracted the timezone of specified longitude and latitude generated from openweather api.
Timezonefinder - As the name suggests it is used to find the timezone only so using timezone we can show the current time of that searched city.</br>
Visit Open Weather
Create Your account in this and get the api key and refer the documentation</br>
used the thread module to click on the search button so smootly so that the app does'nt Crashes.
To get the Timezone and time i have used the pytz module and timezonefinder module to get the timezone of the searched city.Easy to use and the code is written using oops concept.
Technologies Used:
- OpenWeather Api
- Pytz python Module
- Timezonefinder Python Module
- Tkinter
- Python 3.9.1
- Requests Python Module
Pytz Module - This Module is all about the timezone so using this module we extracted the timezone of specified longitude and latitude generated from openweather api.
Timezonefinder - As the name suggests it is used to find the timezone only so using timezone we can show the current time of that searched city.</br>
Visit Open Weather
Create Your account in this and get the api key and refer the documentation</br>
used the thread module to click on the search button so smootly so that the app does'nt Crashes.
To get the Timezone and time i have used the pytz module and timezonefinder module to get the timezone of the searched city.
Easy to use and the code is written using oops concept.
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